Source code for spym.process.level

import numpy as np

[docs] class Level(): ''' Level. ''' def __init__(self, spym_instance): self._spym = spym_instance
[docs] def fixzero(self, **kwargs): ''' Add a constant to all the data to move the minimum (or the mean value) to zero. Args: to_mean: bool, optional. If true move mean value to zero, if false move mimimum to zero (default). ''' = fixzero(, **kwargs)
[docs] def plane(self, **kwargs): '''Corrects for sample tilting by subtraction of a plane. ''' if not == 2: print("The DataArray is not an image. Abort.") return, self._spym._bkg = plane(, **kwargs)
[docs] def align(self, **kwargs): '''Align rows. Args: baseline: defines how baselines are estimated; 'mean' (default), 'median', 'poly'. axis: axis along wich calculate the baselines. poly_degree: polnomial degree if baseline='poly'. ''' if not == 2: print("The DataArray is not an image. Abort.") return, self._spym._bkg = align(, **kwargs)
[docs] def fixzero(image, to_mean=False): ''' Add a constant to all the data to move the minimum (or the mean value) to zero. Args: image: numpy array. to_mean: bool, optional. If true move mean value to zero, if false move mimimum to zero (default). Returns: numpy array. ''' if to_mean: fixed = image - image.mean() else: fixed = image - image.min() return fixed
[docs] def plane(image): '''Corrects for image tilting by subtraction of a plane. Args: image: 2d numpy array. Returns: flattened image as 2d numpy array. ''' bkg_x = _poly_bkg(image.mean(axis=0), 1) bkg_y = _poly_bkg(image.mean(axis=1), 1) bkg_xx = np.apply_along_axis(_fill, 1, image, bkg_x) bkg_yy = np.apply_along_axis(_fill, 0, image, bkg_y) bkg = bkg_xx + bkg_yy planned = image - bkg return planned, bkg
[docs] def align(image, baseline='mean', axis=1, poly_degree=2): '''Align rows. Args: image: 2d numpy array. baseline: defines how baselines are estimated; 'mean' (default), 'median', 'poly'. axis: axis along wich calculate the baselines. poly_degree: polnomial degree if baseline='poly'. Returns: corrected 2d numpy array. ''' if baseline == 'mean': bkg = np.apply_along_axis(_mean_bkg, axis, image) elif baseline == 'median': bkg = np.apply_along_axis(_median_bkg, axis, image) elif baseline == 'poly': bkg = np.apply_along_axis(_poly_bkg, axis, image, poly_degree) aligned = image - bkg return aligned, bkg
def _mean_bkg(line): return np.full(line.shape[0], line.mean()) def _median_bkg(line): return np.full(line.shape[0], np.median(line)) def _poly_bkg(line, poly_degree): x = np.linspace(-.5, .5, line.shape[0]) coefs = np.polyfit(x, line, poly_degree) return np.polyval(coefs, x) def _fill(line, value): return value