ramantools package

ramantools.ramantools module

ramantools.ramantools.bgsubtract(x_data, y_data, polyorder=1, toplot=False, fitmask=None, hmin=50, hmax=10000, wmin=4, wmax=60, prom=10, exclusion_factor=6, peak_pos=None)[source]

Takes Raman shift and Raman intensity data and automatically finds peaks in the spectrum, using scipy.find_peaks. These peaks are then used to define the areas of the background signal. In the areas with the peaks removed, the background is fitted by a polynomial of order given by the optional argument: polyorder. The fit is performed by scipy.optimize.curve_fit. The function returns the Raman intensity counts with the background removed, the background polinomial values themselves and the coefficients of the background fit results, as used by numpy.polyval.

In cases, where the automatic peak find is not functioning as expected, one can pass the values in x_data, at which peaks appear. In this case, the wmin option determines the width of all peaks.

If a fitmask is supplied for fitting, the fitmask is not calculated and only a polynomial fit is performed. This can decrease the runtime.

  • x_data (numpy array) – Raman shift values

  • y_data (numpy array) – Raman intensity values

  • polyorder (int, optional) – order of polynomial used to fit the background, defaults to 1

  • toplot (bool, optional) – if True a plot of: the fit, the background used and positions of the peaks is shown, defaults to False

  • fitmask (numpy array) – Fitmask to be used for polynomial fitting.

  • hmin (float, optional) – minimum height of the peaks passed to scipy.signal.find_peaks, defaults to 50

  • hmax (float, optional) – maximum height of the peaks passed to scipy.signal.find_peaks, defaults to 10000

  • wmin (float, optional) – minimum width of the peaks, passed to scipy.signal.find_peaks, defaults to 4

  • wmax (float, optional) – maximum width of the peaks passed to scipy.signal.find_peaks, defaults to 60

  • prom (float, optional) – prominence of the peaks, passed to scipy.signal.find_peaks, defaults to 10

  • exclusion_factor (float, optional) – this parameter multiplies the width of the peaks found by scipy.signal.find_peaks, or specified by wmin if the peak positions are passed by hand, using peak_pos, defaults to 6

  • peak_pos (list of floats, optional) – list of the peak positions in x_data values used for exclusion, defaults to None


y_data_nobg, bg_values, coeff, params_used_at_run, mask, covar

Return type:

tuple: (numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, dictionary, numpy array, numpy array)

  • y_data_nobg: Raman counts, with the background subtracted,

  • bg_values: the polynomial values of the fit, at the Raman shift positions,

  • coeff: coefficients of the polynomial fit, as used by: numpy.polyval,

  • params_used_at_run: parameters used at runtime

  • mask: the calculated fitmask

  • covar: covariance of the fit parameters


Using the option: peak_pos, a wmin*exclusion_factor/2 region (measured in datapoints) on both sides of the peaks is excluded from the background fit. If automatic peak finding is used, the exclusion area is calculated in a similar way, but the width of the individual peaks are used, as determined by scipy.signal.find_peaks.

ramantools.ramantools.gaussian(x, x0=1580, ampl=10, width=15, offset=0)[source]

Gaussian function. Width and amplitude parameters have the same meaning as for lorentz().

  • x (float, numpy array, etc.) – values for the x coordinate

  • x0 (float) – shift along the x corrdinate

  • ampl (float) – amplitude of the peak

  • width (float) – FWHM of the peak

  • offset (float) – offset along the function value


values of a Gaussian function

Return type:

float, numpy array, etc.

ramantools.ramantools.lorentz(x, x0=1580, ampl=1, width=14, offset=0)[source]

Single Lorentz function

  • x (float, numpy array, etc.) – values for the x coordinate

  • x0 (float) – shift along the x corrdinate

  • ampl (float) – amplitude of the peak

  • width (float) – FWHM of the peak

  • offset (float) – offset along the function value


values of a single Lorentz function

Return type:

float, numpy array, etc.


The area of the peak can be given by:

area = np.pi * amplitude * width / 2
ramantools.ramantools.lorentz2(x, x01=2700, ampl1=1, width1=15, x02=2730, ampl2=1, width2=15, offset=0)[source]

Double Lorentz function


values of a double Lorentz function

Return type:

float, numpy array, etc.

  • x (float, numpy array, etc.) – values for the x coordinate

  • x0 (float) – shift along the x corrdinate

  • area (float) – area of the peak

  • width (float) – width (FWHM) of the peak

  • offset (float) – offset along the function value

ramantools.ramantools.peakfit(xrobj, func=<function lorentz>, fitresult=None, stval=None, bounds=None, toplot=False, width=None, height=None, **kwargs)[source]

Fitting a function to peaks in the data contained in xrobj, which can be a single spectrum, a map or a selected spectrum from a map.

  • xrobj (xarray DataArray) – xarray DataArray, of a single spectrum or a map.

  • func (function, optional) – function to be used for fitting, defaults to lorentz

  • fitresult (xarray Dataset, optional) – an xarray Dataset of a previous fit calculation, with matching dimensions. If this is passed to peakfit(), the fit calculation in skipped and the passed Dataset is used.

  • stval (dictionary of func parameters, optional) – starting values for the fit parameters of func. You are free to specify only some of the values, the rest will be filled by defaults. Defaults are given in the starting values for keyword arguments in func.

  • bounds (dictionary of func parameters, with tuples containing lower and upper bounds, optional) – bounds for the fit parameters, used by xarray.curvefit. Simlar dictionary, like stval, but the values area a list, with lower and upper components. Defaults to None

  • toplot (boolean, optional) – plot the fit result, defaults to False

  • width (int or float, optional) – width parameter of an xarray map to be used in conjunction with toplot = True

  • height (int or float, optional) – height parameter of an xarray map to be used in conjunction with toplot = True


fitted parameters of func and covariances in a Dataset

Return type:

xarray Dataset


import ramantools as rt

map_path = r'data path on you machine'
info_path = r'metadata path on your machine'
# use raw strings, starting with `r'` to escape special characters, such as backslash

# Load a map
map = rt.ramanmap(map_path, info_path)

# Creating the dictionary for the starting values and the bounds
# The default function is `lorentz`, with parameters:
p = {'x0': 2724, 'ampl': 313, 'width': 49, 'offset': 0}
# passing the starting values contained in `p` and bounds: `b` to the `peakfit()` method.
b = {'x0': [2500, 2900], 'ampl': [0, 900], 'width': [20, 100], 'offset': [-10, 50]}
mapfit = rt.peakfit(m_nobg.mapxr, stval = p, bounds = b, toplot = True)


  • Use toplot = True to tweak the starting values. If toplot = True, in case of a map, if no width and height are specified, the middle of the map is used for plotting.

  • Passing a bounds dictionary to peakfit() seems to increase the fitting time significantly. This might be an issue with xarray.DataArray.curvefit.

  • By passing a previous fit result, using the optional parameter fitresult, we can just plot the fit result at multiple regions of the map.

  • In case of using double Lorentz fitting, the names of the parameters change! See: lorentz2().

See also

It is good practice, to crop the data to the vicinity of the peak you want to fit to.

ramantools.ramantools.polynomial_fit(order, x_data, y_data)[source]

Polinomial fit to x_data, y_data

  • order (int) – order of the polinomial to be fit

  • x_data (numpy array) – x coordinate of the data, this would be Raman shift

  • y_data (numpy array) – y coordinate of the data, this would be Raman intensity


coefficients of the polinomial coeff, as used by numpy.polyval, covariance matrix covar, as returned by scipy.optimize.curve_fit

Return type:

tuple: (numpy array, numpy array)

class ramantools.ramantools.ramanmap(map_path, info_path)[source]

Bases: object

Container for Raman maps, imported from a text file. The text file needs to be exported as a “table” from Witec Project or Witec Control. Additional info also needs to be exported, containing the metadata for the measurement. This is the text next to the map data in the Witec software.


object containing the data and metadata

Return type:

ramanmap instance

  • map_path (str) – Path to the text file, containing the Raman map, exported from Witec

  • info_path (str) – Path to the info file, containing the metadata, exported from Witec

Most important variables of the ramanmap instance:

  • mapxr – (type xarray DataArray) all data, coordinates and metadata

  • map – (type numpy array) Raman intensity values

  • ramanshift – (type numpy array) Raman shift values for the datapoints stored in map

  • mask – (type: numpy array) A boolean array of the same length as the ramanshift. It’s only available if singlespec.remove_bg() or ramanmap.remove_bg() is called.

  • samplename – (type: str) name of the sample, as shown in the Witec software.

  • mapname – (type: str) contains the name of the Raman map, as shown in the Witec software.

For a compete list see example below.


import ramantools as rt

map_path = r'data path on you machine'
info_path = r'metadata path on your machine'
# use raw strings, starting with `r'` to escape special characters, such as backslash

map = rt.ramanmap(map_path, info_path)
# list of the variables stored in the `ramanmap` instance
calibrate(peakshift, calibfactor=0, width=None, height=None, **kwargs)[source]

Calibrating a Raman map. It uses peakfit() to find the Raman peak closest to peakshift and returns a new ramanmap instance, with the ramanshift coordinate offset to have the position of the peak at peakshift. If the optional argument calibfactor is passed, peakshift is ignored and the data is shifted by the given value. All possible keyword arguments of peakfit() can be passed.

  • peakshift (float) – expected position, in 1/cm, of the peak used for calibration

  • calibfactor (int, optional) – If the calibration factor is known it can be passed directly. In this case peakshift is ignored, defaults to 0

  • width (float, optional) – width coordinate of the spectrum, which will be used for calibration. Defaults to the middle of the map.

  • height (float, optional) – height coordinate of the spectrum, which will be used for calibration. Defaults to the middle of the map.


calibrated ramanmap instance

Return type:


crr(cutoff=2, window=2, **kwargs)[source]

Tool for removing cosmic rays from a spectroscopy maps. The CRR peaks are determined as the standard deviation of the data: std times the cutoff value, in the window sized vicinity of each pixel.

  • cutoff (int, optional) – multiplication factor for the data’s standard deviation; defaults to 2.

  • window (int, optional) – size of the neighborhood to consider; defaults to 2.


instance of the ramanmap class with the cosmic-ray peaks removed.

Return type:



If CRR is not satisfactory, keep reducing the cutoff value and compare to the original data.


Display the notes accumulated in the ‘comments’ attribute of the ramanmap.mapxr xarray variable.

normalize(peakshift, width=None, height=None, mode='const', **kwargs)[source]

Normalize the Raman spectrum to the peak at peakshift. Returns a normalized ramanmap instance. An exception will be raised if the background has not been removed. It uses peakfit() to find the amplitude of the peak to be normalized. It accepts all keyword arguments accepted by peakfit().

  • peakshift (float) – rough position of the peak in ramanmap.mapxr.ramanshift dimension

  • mode (str, optional) – Has two modes: ‘const’ and ‘individual’. defaults to ‘const’.

  • width (float, optional) – width coordinate of the spectrum, which will be used for normalization in ‘const’ mode, defaults to the middle of the map.

  • height (float, optional) – height coordinate of the spectrum, which will be used for normalization in ‘const’ mode, defaults to the middle of the map.


normalized ramanmap instance

Return type:


  • ValueError – Background needs to be removed for normalization to make sense.

  • ValueErrormode parameter must be either: ‘const’ or ‘individual’.


Attributes of ramanmap.mapxr are updated to reflect the fact that the normalized peak intensities are dimensionless, with a new long_name.

In mode == 'individual', each spectrum in the map will be normalized to the local peak amplitude. In mode == 'const', the peak at the position specified by width and height is used for normalization. If mode == 'individual', the width and height parameters are ignored.

peakmask(peakpos, cutoff=0.1, width=None, height=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a boolean mask for the map, where the mean Raman intensity of the peak at peakpos is larger than the peak mean in the selected spectrum by the cutoff value. The method also returns the cropped xarray DataArray, with the values that are cropped replaced by NaNs. The method needs a reference spectrum for determining the “typical” mean of the peak amplitude. This is also used to determine the cutoff value for the rest of the map as:

'selected spectrum mean value' * cutoff

The optional width and height parameters can be passed, which selects that spectrum for reference. If these are not passed, the spectrum in the middle of the map is taken as reference.

  • peakpos (float) – position in 1/cm of the peak we want to create the mask for

  • cutoff (float, optional) – cutoff value, interpreted as a percentage. Values between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.1

  • width (float, optional) – width parameter of the spectrum in the map we want to have as a reference, defaults to None

  • height (float, optional) – height parameter of the spectrum in the map we want to have as a reference, defaults to None


  • mapmasked: ramanmap instance containing the cropped map

  • peakmask: xarray DataArray containing the mask

Return type:

tuple: (ramanmap, xarray)


The peak position specified by peakpos must not be exact. The method uses peakfit() to find the peak near peakpos. Keyword arguments used by peakfit() can be passed to the method.

plotspec(width, height, shift)[source]

Plots a Raman map at a given Raman shift and displays alongside a selected spectrum at a specified width and height. Needs width and height coordinates for the single spectrum and the Raman shift where we want to plot the Raman intensity in the map.



  • width (float) – ‘width’ coordinate in um, from ramanmap.mapxr

  • height (float) – ‘height’ coordinate in um, from ramanmap.mapxr

  • shift (float) – ‘ramanshift’ coordinate in um, from ramanmap.mapxr


Prints the metadata of the ramanmap instance, imported from the info file.



remove_bg(mode='const', fitmask=None, height=None, width=None, **kwargs)[source]

Remove the background of Raman maps. It takes the same optional arguments as bgsubtract(). Default fit function is a first order polynomial. This can be changed by the polyorder parameter.

There are several modes of background fitting, as a function of the optional variables: mode and fitmask:

  • mode = ‘const’: (this is the default) Subtracts the same background from all spectra in the map. The background is determined by either a fitmask calculated by bgsubtract() or passed to the method using the fitmask parameter. Additionally, a height and width parameter can be passed in which case, the spectrum at those coordinates is used to determine the background. If a fitmask is supplied, it is used instead of the coordinates.

  • mode = ‘individual’: An individual background is subtracted from all spectra.

    • If fitmask = None, bgsubtract() does a peak search for each Raman spectrum and the fitmask is determined based on the parameters passed to bgsubtract().

    • If a fitmask is passed to remove_bg(), bgsubtract() only does the polynomial fit.

  • mode (str, optional, default: ‘const’) – Values can be: ‘const’, ‘individual’

  • fitmask (numpy array, optional) – fitmask as returned by bgsubtract() or as contained in the singlespec.mask variable of the singlespec class, or in ramanmap

  • height (float, optional) – height coordinate of the ramanmap.mapxr xarray

  • width (float, optional) – width coordinate of the ramanmap.mapxr xarray


  • map_mod: new ramanmap instance, containing the data with background removed.

  • coeff: the coefficients and

  • covar: covariance of the polynomial fit, as supplied by polynomial_fit().

Return type:

tuple: (ramanmap, numpy, numpy)


If the peaks and background are complicated, it is advised to test the background fit, by selecting the most difficult spectrum from the map and tweaking the fit parameters directly, using bgsubtract().

Metadata is copied over to the returned ramanmap instance, because there are no unit changes, in removing the background. After running, the ‘comments’ attribute of the new xarray instance is updated with the background fit information.

See also

mode = 'individual' is not implemented yet.


import ramantools as rt

spec_path = r'data path on you machine'
info_path = r'metadata path on your machine'
# use raw strings, starting with `r'` to escape special characters, such as backslash

# Loading a single spectrum from files
m = rt.ramanmap(spec_path, info_path)

# create a new `ramanmap` instance `new_m`, with the background removed
new_m, coeff, covar = m.remove_bg(fitmask = mask, toplot = True)
# plot the spectrum in the middle of the map
new_m.mapxr.sel(width = self.size_x/2, height = self.size_y/2, method = 'nearest').plot()
class ramantools.ramantools.singlespec(spec_path, info_path)[source]

Bases: object

Container for Raman single spectra, imported from a text file. The text file needs to be exported as a “table” from Witec Project or Witec Control Additional info also needs to be exported, containing the metadata for the measurement. This is the text next to the map data in the Witec software. It takes two arguments, the first is the path to the file containing the spectroscopy data, the second is the path to the metadata.

  • spec_path (str) – Path to the text file, containing the Raman spectrum, exported from Witec

  • info_path (str) – Path to the info file, containing the metadata, exported from Witec

Most important variables of the singlespec instance:

  • ssxr – (type xarray DataArray) all data, coordinates and metadata

  • mask – (type: numpy array) A boolean array of the same length as the ramanshift. It’s only available if singlespec.remove_bg() is called.

  • counts – (type numpy array) Raman intensity values

  • ramanshift – (type numpy array) Raman shift values for the datapoints stored in map

  • samplename – (type: str) name of the sample, as shown in the Witec software.

  • specname – (type: str) contains the name of the Raman single spectrum, as shown in the Witec software.

For a complete list see example below.


singlespec instance containing the data and metadata

Return type:

singlespec instance


import ramantools as rt

spec_path = r'data path on you machine'
info_path = r'metadata path on your machine'
# use raw strings, starting with `r'` to escape special characters, such as backslash

single_spectrum = rt.singlespec(spec_path, info_path)
# list of variables stored in the `singlespec` instance
calibrate(peakshift, calibfactor=0, **kwargs)[source]

Calibrating a single Raman spectrum. It uses peakfit() to find the Raman peak closest to peakshift and returns a new singlespec instance, with the ramanshift coordinate offset to have the position of the peak at peakshift. If the optional argument calibfactor is passed, peakshift is ignored and the data is shifted by the given value. All possible keyword arguments of peakfit() can be passed.

  • peakshift (float) – expected position, in 1/cm, of the peak used for calibration

  • calibfactor (int, optional) – If the calibration factor is known it can be passed directly. In this case peakshift is ignored, defaults to 0


calibrated singlespec instance

Return type:


crr(cutoff=2, window=2, **kwargs)[source]

Tool for removing cosmic rays from a single spectrum. The CRR peaks are determined as the standard deviation of the data: std times the cutoff value, in the window sized vicinity of each pixel.

  • cutoff (int, optional) – multiplication factor for the data’s standard deviation; defaults to 2.

  • window (int, optional) – size of the neighborhood to consider; defaults to 2.


instance of the singlespec class with the cosmic-ray peaks removed.

Return type:



If CRR is not satisfactory, keep reducing the cutoff value and compare to the original data.


Display the notes accumulated in the ‘comments’ attribute of the singlespec.ssxr xarray variable.

normalize(peakshift, **kwargs)[source]

Normalize the Raman spectrum to the peak at peakshift. Returns a normalized singlespec instance. An exception will be raised if the background has not been removed. It uses peakfit() to find the amplitude of the peak to be normalized. It accepts all keyword arguments accepted by peakfit().


peakshift (float) – rough position of the peak in singlespec.ssxr.ramanshift dimension


normalized singlespec instance

Return type:



ValueError – Background needs to be removed for normalization to make sense.


Attributes of singlespec.ssxr are updated to reflect the fact that the normalized peak intensities are dimensionless, with a new long_name.


Prints the metadata of the singlespec instance, imported from the info file.




Remove the background of Raman spectra. The xarray variable of the singlespec instance is updated with the new dataset, with the background removed.

It takes the same optional arguments as bgsubtract(). Default fit function is a first order polynomial. This can be changed by the polyorder parameter.


  • singlesp_mod: new singlespec instance, containing the data with background removed.

  • coeff: the coefficients and

  • covar: covariance of the polynomial fit, as supplied by polynomial_fit().

Return type:

tuple: (singlespec, numpy, numpy)


Metadata is copied over to the returned singlespec instance, because there are no unit changes, in removing the background. After running, the ‘comments’ attribute of the new xarray instance is updated with the background fit information.


import ramantools as rt

spec_path = r'data path on you machine'
info_path = r'metadata path on your machine'
# use raw strings, starting with `r'` to escape special characters, such as backslash

# Loading a single spectrum from files
single_spectrum = rt.singlespec(spec_path, info_path)

# Using remove_bg to fit and remove the background
# In this example, we let remove_bg() find the peaks automatically. In this case, if no options are passed, the fit is returned.
new_ss, coeff, covar = single_spectrum.remove_bg()
# `new_ss` is the new `singlespec` instance containing the ssxr `xarray` object, with the background removed

# In this example, we also want to plot the result and we select the peaks by hand, by using `peak_pos`.
new_ss, coeff, covar = single_spectrum.remove_bg(toplot = True, peak_pos = [520, 1583, 2700], wmin = 15)

# Fitting a third order polynomial
new_ss, coeff, covar = single_spectrum.remove_bg(polyorder = 3)

# Replot the `xarray` DataArray, which has the background removed